7 Tips to Land a Better Paying Job

For most of us, the desire for a bigger paycheck is pretty prominent. Higher compensation can mean more money for savings, an easier time affording necessities and monthly bills, and moving closer to larger financial goals such as purchasing a home or a car.

Depending on the company you work for, raises and bonuses can be few and far between - so, how can you land higher paying employment? If you don’t see an opportunity for a raise where you are currently, and want to be proactive in raising your earnings, here are some tips to getting a better paying job that can help you in your search.


No matter the situation, whether you’re staying with or leaving a company, cross-training is always a good idea for you. When you cross-train, you develop skills that you didn’t have before and expand your areas of expertise; not only will this look good on a resume to your next employer, it can also contribute to your confidence in your field and give you a more well-rounded experience.

If your current company doesn’t have a lot of cross-training opportunity, make your own. See if any of your coworkers in different departments might be willing to let you shadow them for a day and then get approval from management to do so.

Stand Out

When you step out and begin looking for new employment, it’s important that you are seen. Don’t be pushy, but try to make sure you introduce yourself as much as possible to the people actually doing the hiring at the company you’re applying to. Taking the extra time to make sure your resume gets into the right hands can mean all the difference in you getting hired or not.

Take Risks

We’re not saying to quit your job and hope you find a new one ASAP, but it’s important to take calculated risks. In order to snag the job with the higher paying salary, you may need to go outside of your usual comfort zone and apply for positions above your current role. Be confident and have a good understanding of what you can offer to an employer.

Get Leadership Experience

Experience in supervisory or management positions is always a plus when you’re seeking employment with any company - especially the higher paying salaries. Think of ways you can expand your leadership experience, or gain experience; some possible options could be:

  • Training new employees
  • Offering mentorship to newer employees
  • Offer to head up projects that need completion

Get Certified

Most fields have additional certifications and licenses that can be obtained to further your knowledge, expertise, and ability to perform certain functions. Companies will often higher employees with certifications in their field over those who have none. When you obtain certifications, it shows you’re willing to go the extra mile.

Become an Expert

Getting yourself hired is a form of marketing, the product being yourself in this situation. Employers will always be looking for those who are experts in their fields, so it’s helpful if you are able to establish somewhat of a reputation in your career. Some ways you can increase your notoriety are:

  • Maintain a blog
  • Join social network communities and discussions on your field
  • Create a YouTube channel
  • Consult for other companies (if this doesn’t cross lines with your current employer)

Choose the Right Company

When you’re ready to begin applying to other companies, it’s important that you choose the companies that you’ll have the best chance at growing with. Afterall, you’re leaving your current job for a higher paying one, right? So, you’ll want to make sure the company that hires you actually has the capability to pay you well. Reading reviews from other employees on the company, or depending on the size of the company researching them and their growth history can give you a good idea of what you may be getting into and if it’s worth it or not.

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