How to Master Your Job Hunt

Are you in need of a new career? Job hunting can often turn into a job in itself. Today’s market is more competitive than ever before, but don’t let this scare you away; it just means you need to amp up your game.

Even if you’re familiar with job hunting, how employers hire and the skills you need to bring to the table are rapidly changing. Here’s how to master your job hunt to land the position you’ve been looking for.

Clearly Define Your Goal

Understanding what to expect out of your job search should be priority number one. When you enter the job market unsure of what you’re looking for, it can lead to a drawn-out process that produces insignificant results. Consider the following and outline your goals:

  • What position are you seeking?
  • What industries would you like to work in?
  • How much money do you want/need to make?
  • What is your work availability?
  • How far are you willing to travel?
  • What position are you seeking?
  • What industries would you like to work in?
  • How much money do you want/need to make?
  • What is your work availability?
  • How far are you willing to travel?

For each item, you’ll also need to determine where you can be flexible. Chances are, you aren’t going to check off every single box with the job you land.

Perfect Your Resume

Alright, now that you’ve clarified what you’re looking for in a job, it’s time to take care of your resume. You must be prepared with a professional and well-crafted resume when that anticipated interview comes knocking. Many websites, like Indeed and Monster, can help you prepare a resume if you are unsure. Just be sure to edit the final version for grammar and spelling before sending it anywhere.

Another thing you should research are keywords and phrases that employers in your desired field are watching for. This can be particularly important because many companies, especially large ones, are using resume scanning software that is designed to pick up on particular things they’re looking for.

Keep a Spreadsheet

You don’t need to be an expert Excel user for this, but keep a simple spreadsheet as you search. This can help you organize where you’ve applied, who you’ve spoken to, when to follow up, and what job leads are dead. Keeping track of your applications will also help you avoid applying to the same company twice in the same period.

Be Persistent

When you’re hunting for a job, persistence pays off. Don’t apply or submit a resume and wait for an email. Sometimes, it shows initiative by sending out a follow-up message. This doesn’t mean you should constantly bother any employer, but put yourself on a follow-up schedule. If possible, try reaching out within 7-10 days; it may improve your chances of receiving a reply.

Use Multiple Job Boards

Don’t limit yourself to using just one career search site. There are a few reputable ones out there, each with different things to offer. It’s recommended you utilize the following simultaneously:

You will need to create a profile on some sites. Make sure you use a professional and appropriate picture, along with any other information that accurately reflects your skills and qualifications.

Clean Up Your Social Media

Yes, social media is a personal outlet, but more and more employers are searching prospective hires' Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles for information on who they may be hiring. You should tone everything down, make your profiles private, or do both. First impressions count.

Get to Know the Industry

Even if you have somewhat of an idea of what an industry is all about, things change. Be sure to brush up on current events, important skills, and who’s who in your industry of choice. This will help not only in your search but also with your interview. Some employers will also ask specifically what you know about the history of their company.


Never discount networking. If there’s an industry event, try your best to be there. Look for job fairs, presentations, networking events, and even expositions - you never know who you might meet and impress!

Be Timely

This should go without saying, but be timely with any and all responses to prospective employers. Return voicemails the same or next business day A.M and respond to emails as soon as you see them. This can mean the difference between you and someone else getting the job, plus it’s polite.


Getting your foot in the door can be difficult. However, if you follow the tips above, you’ll have a much better chance of landing your next career without hassle. Always remember to identify your goal, get prepared, and get ready to take on your next job.

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